* Once you have decided to list, you can order by phone or order online we suggest to call anytime (605)906-1152 you have a question
* You should receive the sign and lock box within 2 business days
* As soon as you place the order, you will be directed to the listing steps (you will also receive an email with the listing steps and receipt for your order)
* You will print the listing steps and fill out forms
* Once you fill out the forms, you fax or email the documents
* You will email the photos
* Once we receive the documents, we can have you listing within 1-2 business days
* Once listed, we will email a copy of the listing, for you to proof
* At anytime during the process you can call anytime or respond to the email.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
We are here to make this an easy process.